Wednesday, August 3, 2011

survey on manga influence on local comic scene: lets ask the PERGHians!

The first part of the interview, is to randomly ask comic activists (bole ke consider activists ek?) from PERGH community. dunno what PERGH is? come and have a visit to the website :) I randomly ask these guys on what do they think of the local artists who adapted manga style in their work. there are many other feedbacks that I got from these guys, but the one I documented is consider the important ones lar. the rest were just spams and merepek2 stuffs. haha

1 comment:

  1. ini pendapat saya pula. ringkas tapi saya rasa Jon boleh faham apa yang saya maksudkan.

    "kalau saya nak baca komik Malaysia, saya akan baca Gila-Gila, kalau saya nak baca manga, saya akan baca manga"
